With its juniper berries and Gallic herbs that have thrived in the region for thousands of years, AMBIORIXGIN is an absolute taste explosion.
(Artemisia vulgaris)
In addition to the medicinal effect of mugwort, a weak aromatic plant with white, felt-like hairy leaves and brownish flowers, the plant also, according to popular belief, can ward off the devil. Often used in soups and salads.
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
In addition to the medicinal effect of mugwort, a weak aromatic plant with white, felt-like hairy leaves and brownish flowers, the plant also, according to popular belief, can ward off the devil. Often used in soups and salads.
Nettle (Urtica)
In the Low Countries this genus is mainly known for the small and large nettle. The latter is used in the preparation of soups and herbal teas.
Nettle (Urtica)
In the Low Countries this genus is mainly known for the small and large nettle. The latter is used in the preparation of soups and herbal teas.
Garlic (Allium savitum)
With its pungent taste and smell, this herb is well-known in the modern kitchen. The Gauls also believed that garlic strengthened the muscles.
A herbaceous plant with a celery-like taste that has been used as a flavor enhancer since classical antiquity. The plant is more commonly known as the maggi plant because its strong smell is reminiscent of the maggi.
(Allium savitum)
With its pungent taste and smell, this herb is well-known in the modern kitchen. The Gauls also believed that garlic strengthened the muscles.
(Trigonella foenum-graecum)
This kitchen herb has a spicy, bitter taste and smells like fresh hay. The seeds and leaves have been used as a flavor enhancer since ancient times.
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
This kitchen herb has a spicy, bitter taste and smells like fresh hay. The seeds and leaves have been used as a flavor enhancer since ancient times.
Wild garlic
(Allium ursinum)
This onion flower is named after the bear, because for centuries people believed that bears feasted on this plant after hibernation. The strong-tasting leaves can be thinly chopped for soups and salads.
Wild garlic (Allium ursinum)
This onion flower is named after the bear, because for centuries people believed that bears feasted on this plant after hibernation. The strong-tasting leaves can be thinly chopped for soups and salads.
Lovage (Levisticum)
A herbaceous plant with a celery-like taste that has been used as a flavor enhancer since classical antiquity. The plant is more commonly known as the maggi plant because its strong smell is reminiscent of the maggi.
Bilzersteenweg 440
3700 Tongeren
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